Brush and Tree Removal 2024 Policy
Brush chipping services will be provided to single and two-family residences once per month during the two months of May and September only in 2024. The routes will coincide with your regular refuse pickup day. Residents do not have to call the Town Hall to schedule brush chipping.
If your Garbage pickup day is: | Your Brush pickup day is: | Monday | first Tuesday of the month | Tuesday | second Tuesday of the month | Wednesday | second Tuesday of the month | Thursday | third Tuesday of the month | Friday | fourth Tuesday of the month |
Please have tree branches and brush out by 7:00 a.m. on your Tuesday of the month. In the event that Town crews cannot complete the collection route on Tuesday, brush pick up will continue that week until the route is completed.
The maximum amount of materials to be picked up per address is 480 cubic feet, which is based on a loose brush pile 4-feet high by 10-feet long by 12-feet deep. Please use this as a guideline when setting out materials.
Other guidelines for brush pick up are as follows:
Professional services used to cut down large amounts of trees or brush should remove their own materials. The 480 cubic feet maximum still applies. Brush to be stacked neatly and loosely along the shoulder or curb of street. Cut ends to face the street. Branches should be no larger than 12 inches in diameter and should not to exceed 75 pounds in weight. Brush should be no shorter than three feet in length; no root balls, stumps, or construction material.
In the event that you somehow miss the scheduled pick up, please be aware that there are two alternatives for brush disposal:
Brush may also be taken to the Outagamie County Landfill or the City of Appleton yard waste sites (701 S. Whitman Street and 2625 E. Glendale Street). |